
Whisp: Any group that organizes processes.

digraph { layout=dot rankdir=LR overlap=false concentrate=true node [style=filled shape=box] Institutions [color=grey fontcolor=white] Outside [color=black fontcolor=white] Inside Public [color=red] Private [color=black fontcolor=white] Civic [color=yellow] subgraph cluster1 {Civic Public Private} subgraph cluster2 {Outside Inside} Institutions -> {Inside Outside} [label=controlled] Institutions -> {Civic Public Private} [label=category] }

There are a few key types of institutions that affect neighborhoods:

Civic-informal and formal which are voluntary and generally without monetary compensation though there are often fees to cover expenses. These include associations, clubs, churches. NGOs are formalized, non-profit, civic organizations.

Public (governmental and quasi governmental, local and remote, democratic vs. representative)

Private (for profit or non-profit, spanning form sole proprietor to publicly traded. May be controlled remotely, global, remote, may be designated as not-for-profit). Private Publicly Traded the ultimate absentee landlord with no personal accountability.

There are every imaginable hybrid. The trick is to be clear who pays the bills, who profits, where does the money come from and end up, who decides, where the profiteers reside, how far into the future will they be responsible for their impacts on others.

digraph { layout=dot rankdir=LR overlap=false concentrate=true node [ shape=ellipse] Institutions [style=filled color=grey shape=box fontcolor=white] Institutions -> { "Who benefits?" "Where does\nthe money\ngo to?" "How far into\nthe future will\nthey be responsible?"} "Who pays?" -> Institutions "Where does\nthe money\ncome from?" -> Institutions "Who decides?" -> Institutions "Who does the work?" -> Institutions }