Resources Sphere Questions

**What Traffic Signal color indicates the overall state of activities in the Resources Sphere?**

S7 Q1 We are investing adequately in staffing resources. (7->2)

>*--(2->7) S2 Q6 Staff get appropriate compensation for their work.*

S7 Q2 We are providing adequate resources for effective customer contact. (7->4)

>*--(4->7) S4 Q5 We are achieving our sales goals.*

S7 Q3 We are investing adequately in innovation and development. (7->5)

>*--(5->7) S5 Q5 We have developed effective measures and controls.*

S7 Q4 We are investing enough resources in day-to-day operations. (7->6)

>*--(6->7) S6 Q4 Day to day operations use adequate measures and controls.*

S7 Q5 We are investing adequate resources in our communication efforts. (7->11)

>*--(11->7) S11 Q5 The way we conduct ourselves insures adequate financial resources.*

S7 Q6 We are investing adequate resources to support our management. (7->10)

>*--(10->7) S10 Q2 Management is adequately monitoring financial performance. *

S7 Q7 Our financial controls are resulting in positive results for the organization. (7->11) (This does not see very specific to Culture.)

>*--(11->7) S11 Q5 The way we conduct ourselves insures adequate financial resources.*