
Whisp: Will focus on neighborhood stakeholders and the relevant types of stakeholders. Will relate Bill Smith's AIC (Appreciation, Influence, and Control) to stakeholder interactions.

digraph { layout=dot rankdir=LR overlap=false concentrate=true node [style=filled shape=box] subgraph cluster2 {"Individuals\n& Households" Institutions Places} subgraph cluster1 {"Appreciation\nEvents" "Influence\nEvents" "Control\nEvents"} Stakeholders [color=purple1 fontcolor=white] "Individuals\n& Households" [color=purple1 fontcolor=white] Institutions [color=grey fontcolor=white] Places [color=green1] "Appreciation\nEvents" [color=yellow] "Influence\nEvents" [color=red] "Control\nEvents" [color=blue fontcolor=white] Stakeholders -> {"Individuals\n& Households" Places Institutions } [label=include] Stakeholders -> "Appreciation\nEvents" [label=participate] Stakeholders -> "Influence\nEvents" [label=use] Stakeholders -> "Control\nEvents" [label=organize] }

There will potentially be a great many stakeholders and a variety of types of stakeholders in a neighborhood. Every resident is a stakeholder. Everyone experiencing the neighborhood is in some way a stakeholder. Of course all businesses and governments operating in or with the neighborhood are stakeholders.

Stakeholders are associated with Ideals, Values, Goals, more or less transparently and steadily. Of course, even within the same person, place, or institution there are dynamic tensions between these three.