Energy exchange among people is what grows the vitality of your business.) Includes definitions of roles, responsibilities, reporting relationships, policies, procedures, systems, contracts, agreements, licences, legal issues, service level agreements (SLAs), Information Technology (ID), infrastructure.

**What Traffic Signal color indicates the overall state of activities in the Leadership Sphere?** * [ ] RED = Stop * [ ] YELLOW = Caution * [ ] GREEN = Go * [ ] BLUE = Unsure # Below are the links that impact this sphere:


S3 Q1 We actively gather feedback from our customers to improve our services. (3->1)

S3 Q2 Roles and responsibilities are clearly defined. (3->2)

S3 Q3 Our structure makes it easy for people to access what we offer. (3->4)

S3 Q4 We are well structured to support innovation and development. (3->5)

S3 Q5 Our procedures and structure create an efficient day to day system. (3->6)

S3 Q6 Our procedures and structure contribute to a healthy workplace Culture. (3->11)