What I Think

(Marc Pierson--why going through this process is important. This is an approach that supports the aspirations listed below.)

Things go better when people like and **care** for one another.

Things go better when people think together and work **together**.

Things go better when people inquire and listen to **understand** the other.

Things go better when people are **open** and truthful and act in line with their aspirations and **passions**.

I think that neighborhoods need **communication platforms** that are designed for them, for civil society, where no one can censor residents voices, yet where those who intend to cooperate can see what is going on, even though they are not necessarily acting as parts of companies or government entities--rather as neighborhood residents. These communication tools must be competitive (full featured) with those used by business and governments. The Federated Wiki platform meets these needs and it is open source and extensible.

Things go better when people create useful **maps**.

> Explain more or change the diagram. Make the point that visual meaning is powerful.

People all use mental causal patterns, like A causes B and B causes C. Not everyone considers feedback, e.g. C causes B, and few are familiar with the implications of feedback. A bigger and more common missing perspective is looking for the non obvious or delayed or as yet unknown influences on A, B, and C. These blindnesses come from explicit or implicit boundaries that conceptual rather than real.

digraph { ranksep=.3; size = "7.5,10"; rankdir=LR node [style=filled shape=circle] A [fillcolor=yellow] B [fillcolor=yellow] C [fillcolor=yellow] X [fillcolor=lightblue] Y [fillcolor=lightblue] Z [fillcolor=lightblue] A->B->C C->B X->A X->B Y->C C->Z Z->A }


# Marc’s Working Notes: I am learning that people find the model intimidating. I am beginning to think that presenting one or more models of their situation derived from interviews and or public documents may be a better way to engage.