Neighborhood Wiki Metastructure

I am just beginning to transcribe the basic framework into GraphViz:

The essential aspect of a neighborhood can begin to reveal itself through Stakeholders, Ideals, Values, and Goals--across Scales of Time and Places.

Clicking on any of the nodes in these diagrams take you to an explanatory page with subgraphs. Methods which shows up in the bottom two graphs is a particularly rich pathway.

digraph { layout=dot rankdir=BT overlap=false concentrate=true node [style=filled shape=box] Scale [color=purple3 fontcolor=white] Scale -> Stakeholders [label=determines] Stakeholders [color=purple3 fontcolor=white] "Individuals\n& Households" [color=purple1 fontcolor=white] Institutions [color=grey fontcolor=white] Places [color=green1] Outside [color=black fontcolor=white] "Appreciation\nEvents" [color=yellow] Ideals [color=yellow] "Influence\nEvents" [color=red] Values [color=red] "Control\nEvents" [color=blue fontcolor=white] Goals [color=blue fontcolor=white] Programs [color=lightblue4 fontcolor=white] Projects [color=lightblue3] Processes [color=lightblue2] Results [color=lightblue1] Care [color=orange] "Individuals\n& Households" -> Care [label=discover] Care -> {Ideals Values Goals Results} [label=creates] Goals -> Programs [label=require] subgraph cluster1 { "Appreciation\nEvents" -> Ideals [label=reveals] } subgraph cluster2 {"Influence\nEvents" -> Values [label=negotiate] } subgraph cluster3 { "Control\nEvents" -> Goals [label=allows] } subgraph cluster4 { Stakeholders -> Ideals [label=believe] Stakeholders -> Values [label=prioritize] Stakeholders -> Goals [label=invest] Stakeholders -> "Appreciation\nEvents" [label=participate] Stakeholders -> "Influence\nEvents" [label=use] Stakeholders -> "Control\nEvents" [label=organize] } Stakeholders -> {"Individuals\n& Households" Institutions Places} [label=include] subgraph cluster5 {Programs Projects Processes Results} Programs -> Projects [label=require] Projects -> Processes [label=produce] Processes -> Results [label=produce] //subgraph cluster6 {Stakeholders -> {"Individuals & Households" Institutions Places} [label=include]} Institutions -> {Inside Outside} [label=controlled] Places -> {Inside Outside} //subgraph cluster7 {Institutions -> {Inside Outside} }

There is a prototype of how Marc's framing can interact with a neighborhood graph here: BrainSite

Methods added to this graph: AIC, Idealized Design, Scrum Agile, and Resilience Assessment (VSM). There are many more located in the Methods page.

digraph { layout=dot rankdir=BT overlap=false concentrate=true node [style=filled shape=box] Scale [color=purple3 fontcolor=white] Scale -> Stakeholders [label=determines] Stakeholders [color=purple3 fontcolor=white] "Individuals\n& Households" [color=purple1 fontcolor=white] Institutions [color=grey fontcolor=white] Places [color=green1] Outside [color=black fontcolor=white] "Appreciation\nEvents" [color=yellow] Ideals [color=yellow] "Influence\nEvents" [color=red] Values [color=red] "Control\nEvents" [color=blue fontcolor=white] Goals [color=blue fontcolor=white] Programs [color=lightblue4 fontcolor=white] Projects [color=lightblue3] Processes [color=lightblue2] Results [color=lightblue1] Care [color=orange] "Individuals\n& Households" -> Care [label=discover] Care -> {Ideals Values Goals Results} [label=creates color=orange penwidth=2] Goals -> Programs [label=require] subgraph cluster1 { "Appreciation\nEvents" -> Ideals [label=reveals] } subgraph cluster2 {"Influence\nEvents" -> Values [label=negotiate] } subgraph cluster3 { "Control\nEvents" -> Goals [label=allows] } subgraph cluster4 { Stakeholders -> Ideals [label=believe] Stakeholders -> Values [label=prioritize] Stakeholders -> Goals [label=invest] Stakeholders -> "Appreciation\nEvents" [label=participate] Stakeholders -> "Influence\nEvents" [label=use] Stakeholders -> "Control\nEvents" [label=organize] } Stakeholders -> {"Individuals\n& Households" Institutions Places} [label=include] subgraph cluster5 {Programs Projects Processes Results} Programs -> Projects [label=require] Projects -> Processes [label=produce] Processes -> Results [label=produce] //subgraph cluster6 {Stakeholders -> {"Individuals & Households" Institutions Places} [label=include]} Institutions -> {Inside Outside} [label=controlled] Places -> {Inside Outside} [label=located] //subgraph cluster7 {Institutions -> {Inside Outside} Methods [color=blue4 fontcolor=white] "Scrum/\nAgile" [color=blue4 fontcolor=white] Methods -> { "Idealized Design" [color=blue4 fontcolor=white] "Scrum/\nAgile" AIC [color=blue4 fontcolor=white] "Resilience\nAssessment\n(VSM)" [color=blue4 fontcolor=white] } [label=include] "Resilience\nAssessment\n(VSM)" -> {Programs Institutions} [color=red penwidth=2 label=diagnose] "Idealized Design" -> "Influence\nEvents" [label=create color=green penwidth=2] "Scrum/\nAgile" -> Goals [label=delivers color=blue penwidth=2] "Scrum/\nAgile" -> Programs [label=organizes color=blue penwidth=2] "Scrum/\nAgile" -> Projects [label=organizes color=blue penwidth=2] "Scrum/\nAgile" -> Processes [label=creates color=blue penwidth=2] "Scrum/\nAgile" -> Results [label=delivers color=blue penwidth=2] "Resilience\nAssessment\n(VSM)" [color=blue4 fontcolor=white] AIC -> {"Appreciation\nEvents" "Influence\nEvents" "Control\nEvents"} [label=facilitates color=yellow3 penwidth=3] }

Turned 90°.

digraph { layout=dot rankdir=LR overlap=false concentrate=true node [style=filled shape=box] Scale [color=purple3 fontcolor=white] Scale -> Stakeholders [label=determines] Stakeholders [color=purple3 fontcolor=white] "Individuals\n& Households" [color=purple1 fontcolor=white] Institutions [color=grey fontcolor=white] Places [color=green1] Outside [color=black fontcolor=white] "Appreciation\nEvents" [color=yellow] Ideals [color=yellow] "Influence\nEvents" [color=red] Values [color=red] "Control\nEvents" [color=blue fontcolor=white] Goals [color=blue fontcolor=white] Programs [color=lightblue4 fontcolor=white] Projects [color=lightblue3] Processes [color=lightblue2] Results [color=lightblue1] Care [color=orange] "Individuals\n& Households" -> Care [label=discover] Care -> {Ideals Values Goals Results} [label=creates color=orange penwidth=2] Goals -> Programs [label=require] subgraph cluster1 { "Appreciation\nEvents" -> Ideals [label=reveals] } subgraph cluster2 {"Influence\nEvents" -> Values [label=negotiate] } subgraph cluster3 { "Control\nEvents" -> Goals [label=allows] } subgraph cluster4 { Stakeholders -> Ideals [label=believe] Stakeholders -> Values [label=prioritize] Stakeholders -> Goals [label=invest] Stakeholders -> "Appreciation\nEvents" [label=participate] Stakeholders -> "Influence\nEvents" [label=use] Stakeholders -> "Control\nEvents" [label=organize] } Stakeholders -> {"Individuals\n& Households" Institutions Places} [label=include] subgraph cluster5 {Programs Projects Processes Results} Programs -> Projects [label=require] Projects -> Processes [label=produce] Processes -> Results [label=produce] //subgraph cluster6 {Stakeholders -> {"Individuals & Households" Institutions Places} [label=include]} Institutions -> {Inside Outside} [label=controlled] Places -> {Inside Outside} [label=located] //subgraph cluster7 {Institutions -> {Inside Outside} Methods [color=blue4 fontcolor=white] "Scrum/\nAgile" [color=blue4 fontcolor=white] Methods -> { "Idealized Design" [color=blue4 fontcolor=white] "Scrum/\nAgile" AIC [color=blue4 fontcolor=white] "Resilience\nAssessment\n(VSM)" [color=blue4 fontcolor=white] } [label=include] "Resilience\nAssessment\n(VSM)" -> {Programs Institutions} [color=red penwidth=2 label=diagnose] "Idealized Design" -> "Influence\nEvents" [label=create color=green penwidth=2] "Scrum/\nAgile" -> Goals [label=delivers color=blue penwidth=2] "Scrum/\nAgile" -> Programs [label=organizes color=blue penwidth=2] "Scrum/\nAgile" -> Projects [label=organizes color=blue penwidth=2] "Scrum/\nAgile" -> Processes [label=creates color=blue penwidth=2] "Scrum/\nAgile" -> Results [label=delivers color=blue penwidth=2] "Resilience\nAssessment\n(VSM)" [color=blue4 fontcolor=white] AIC -> {"Appreciation\nEvents" "Influence\nEvents" "Control\nEvents"} [label=facilitates color=yellow3 penwidth=3] }